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                                                ST JOHNS  PQ FIRE 1876


 This page is a collection of newspaper articles covering the fire on June 18 1876 in St Johns (now called St Jean sur le Richelieu) .Also included are Directory clips describing the recovery of the town and a few maps.

This fire had a direct effect on the St Johns Glass Company as well as all business in the area. It is thought the fire started from a spark off the railway tracks of a passing train and the fire started in the lumber yard next to the railway.  A strong wind carried the flames across town and destroyed the entire business section on part of Champlain street and the entire Richelieu street which runs  along the Chambly canal.  The bridge to Iberville , the docks , the Custom House , post office etc were all destroyed. Travel of goods to and from Montreal and the United States  was very limited as only the trains were in use. Ironically , the water supply for the town was shut down for cleaning the morning of the fire.

Our interest in this topic is not only the effect this fire had on the St Johns Glass works ( which is found in our article " St Johns and Excelsior Glass Companies " but also on the pottery works in St Johns at this time.

The following depiction is from the Canadian Illustrated News - June 1876



   The following newspaper clip is from the Chicago Tribune - June 21 1876

2-1876 june 21 chicago tribune-2.jpg

        Le Courrier St- Hyacinthe June 20 1876

6-1876 june 20 corrier st hy-4.jpg

 June 19 1876 - Morning Chronicle , Quebec ( city )          and    June 20 1876 -  Montreal Daily Witness

               June 19 1876 - New York Herald

st jean sur richelieu
14-1876 june 19 NEW york Herald-2.jpg
15-1876 june 19 NEW york Herald-3.jpg

         The Rutland Daily Globe , Vermont - June 19 - 20 - 24

st jean sur le richelieu
19-1876 june 19 the nRutland Daily Globe
20-1876 june 20 the nRutland Daily Globe
21-1876 june 20 the nRutland Daily Globe
22-1876 june 20 the nRutland Daily Globe
26-1876 june 24 nRutland Daily Globe.jpg

  The Stark Democrat , Canton Ohio June 22 1876 - ( notice date of April is incorrect )  and Vermont Farmer June 23 1876

st jean sur le richelieu
24-1876 june 23 Vermont Farmer-1.jpg
25-1876 june 23 Vermont Farmer-2.jpg

  St Johns Directory 1876                                                          The Cowansville Observer - October 12 1877

27-1876 St Johns Directory-1.jpg
28-1876 St Johns Directory-2.jpg
29-1877 oct 12 cowansville observer.jpg

 Directory of County of Missiquoi and Town of St Johns 79 - 80 -81

30-1879 dir.jpg

The following map is the Atlas of the town and county of St Johns , Province of Quebec 1880

On the left side you will notice the railway tracks. The fire had destroyed this entire area (both maps ) in 1876 which is now rebuilt in 1880. The second map is the continuation of Richelieu and Champlain street from right side of map.

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