These were made before the Ring Crown group. See note in half gallon Bulge second mould
18 left , 17 right , No base mark. This is an Imperial Pint . There is only one mould .

21 left , 19 right . No base mark . The word Crown is 2 & 7/8ths inches across. This jar later comes reworked as a 22 left , 19 right . No base mark . All other aspects of the mould are the same as the above jar.
19 left , 18 right . Base 2 . The word Crown is 2 & 3/4 inches across.
22 left , 20 right . Base 3 . The word Crown is 2 & 9/16ths inches across.
This pic is of the plain base reworked 22 -19

24 left , 22 right . No base mark. The pearls are hard to count . The word Crown is 3 & 3/16ths inches across . This jar is 8 & 1/2 inches tall with no lid , this makes it 1/4 inch shorter than the others . While it is slightly fatter than the others, it looks quite different .

20 left , 20 right . No base mark . The word Crown is 2 & 15/16ths inches across. Later comes reworked with the emblem re-engraved and part of the bulge orb is plugged ( at the 4 to 6 o'clock area.) The word CROWN is not re-engraved and the WN are almost gone. NOTE... This is the jar that later is changed to a Ring Crown by fully plugging the orb. This led to the Ring Crown as the next generation Crown.

23 left , 21 right . No base mark The word Crown is 3 & 1/8th inches across . After a rework of the Crown emblem it changes to become 23 left , 20 right , now though the word Crown was not re-engraved and the word is virtually gone.

18 left , 16 right . No base mark The word Crown is 2 & 15/16ths across. While the second jar ( above) also has this measurement this jar is a slender 4 & 1/4 inch diameter and the above jars are 4 & 3/8ths
This is the last BULGE made , the Ring group follow and use the slimmer moulds.
With a slight rework this jar becomes 18 left , 16 right . Now has base 10 all other features remain the same.