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                     CANADA GLASS COMPANY LIMITED 

The area began to be called Hudson in 1864.

At the Cold Springs Farm. 

 This takes an explanation that we only found near the end of the research on this works. The Lyman family farm near Champlain New York was called the Cold Springs Farm. Benjamin Lyman also named the glass works property at Hudson by this name. 

During this search we found a great deal of difference between the records and the information in other written history of this works.

Note .. LR is for land record & N is for a notorial record.


1864 May 4th   LR #11050 .. From Alexander Cameron to the Canada Glass Company Ltd.                                              Sale of land Lots # 25 and # 26 of the ( 1st Concession ) Pointe A'Cavagnol Parish of Vaudreuil in the district of Montreal from Alexander Cameron to the Canada Glass Company Ltd (Benjamin Lyman - President , George Hagar - Secretary and George Mathews - Director ) A property of 120 acres with two wooden houses and other buildings for $2000 current money of the Province of Canada .

1864 July 2nd -Canada Gazette lists the incorporation and share holders.

canada glass company hudson

 1864 August 22 - N # 22340
Engagement of Joseph Batten for 3 years as manager of the Works at Hudson in the Parish of Vaudreuil for the Canada Glass Company Limited by President of said company Benjamin Lyman. He will be under the authority of the company directors but will have general management of the business and property. Once a month he will report to the company secretary full statements of  work performed, expenditures, and goods sent out and on hand. Batten can only work for CG Co Ltd and will be paid $1000. a year paid out monthly started on May 1 1864 past.

 Below are ads from Montreal Directories showing that many of the share holders are in need of bottles and if just for their own use they needed a glass works.    

    By researching the products sold and prepared by these people modern collectors and historians could find likely bottles made by this works.

Benjamin Lyman is the owner of Lymans, Clare & Co.                S.J. Lyman is Stephen Jones

2A-1864 MTL DIR -Lyman clare-2.jpg
3A-1864 MTL DIR- S J Lyman.jpg
2AA- 1864 MTL DIR AD lyman clare.jpg
4A-1865 MTL DIR- Kerry, Brothers and Cra
6A-1865 MTL DIR-John Gardner.jpg
7A-1868 MTL DIR- Kenneth Campbell.jpg
5A-1865 MTL DIR- Lamplough &


In looking at our write up on the Ottawa Glass Co. lot 11 , and the Canadien Glass Works lot 19 ,between the two maps the placing of all three works can be seen . The full map of Vaudreuil was found on line.

The notes on this map are for the later time frame as these lots are being sold off and will be explained then.

8A-LOT 25-26.jpg

1864 Oct. 4th - N # 22579                                                                                                                                                          A one year lease by Canada Glass Co Ltd to Francis W Allen Hotelkeeper , to be used as a boarding house but no alcohol . There were a large number of cottages for workers making this area a small village.

Below is from the Montreal Herald & Daily Commercial Gazette , it is the first offering of glass . Sept 24th 1864 

canada glass company hudson

1864  November Hudson has a  post office and the area is given that name.

Note ..Wood Cords are bush cords and a 4 ft. by 4 ft. by 8 ft.

1864 Dec 22nd N #23024                                                                                                                                                              A contract for wood delivery is given to Dame Louise de Lotbiniere of Vaudreuil with attorney Robert William Harwood as her rep.  for 1000 cords of Hemlock .

1864 Dec 22nd  N #23025                                                                                                                                                            A contract for wood delivery to Basile Charlebois of Lake of two mountains for 1000 cords by may 1865 (and corded  by bank of river ) Basswood, pine, spruce, maple and ash-$2 per cord paid in silver . 

 1865 Mitchell's  Canada Directory These ads are for the office in Montreal.

10A-1865 mitchell direct ad canada glass
canada glass company hudson

1865 July 18th  L R # 11527 and notary record # 3243  

A sale by Canada Glass Co Ltd . Benjamin Lyman President , G. Hagar Secretary Treasurer and Henry Lamplough Director to George Mathews for 1 dollar are selling part of land owed by Canada Glass Co . Ltd. with a store and sheds ( previously erected by Mathews) This sale of land ( see plan 03895 ) is 209 feet in  front on the Queen's Highway 

12A-1865 july 18 plan sale notary 3243.j

1865 sept 5th N # 3274

 This is a lease from Canada Glass Co. Ltd. to Dame Gordon wife of George Burnside, glassblower  of a boarding house for 9 months , no spiritious liquids allowed, also buying furnishings for 300 pounds .

This is the same place as was let in # 22579 .

The ad below is a copy.

13A-1865 oct 5 MTL HERALD-ad full operat

1865 Dec 11th  N # 25116                                                                                                                                                           Contract to C. Johnson & son of L'Orignial . They will deliver 1000 cords of tamarac and hemlock by May-June of 1866 , to Canada Glass Co. Ltd guaranteed by Hiram Johnson of Vankleek Hill Canada West . At that time  all wood was delivered by the Ottawa River.

1866 Jan 27th N # 25298                                                                                                                                                            George w. Cameron county of Ottawa selling 1000 cords of tamarak wood to be delivered by Sept 1st 1866 and hauled out of the water at Hudson at the expense of the Canada Glass Co. Ltd.

1866 March 13th N # 25527                                                                                                                                         Contract signed on Mar 13th given to Albert Hagar from township of Plantagenet Canada West , land agent and saw mill owner to manufacture provide and deliver one hundred thousand 3/4 inch pine boards and fifty thousand 1 inch boards before Sept 1st 1866.                            

 Note this would have been board feet as that is how wood was sold . One board foot is 1 foot by 1 foot by 1 inch thick .

Pic below is of the letterhead for the Canada Glass Co. Ltd. on the request for the contract above.

canada glass company hudson

In 1866 the Canada Glass Co. Ltd offered to sell fruit jars , they called them the " Canada Fruit Jar " it is very unlikely that any embossing was on these jars . The term Canada was used to show it was a product of Canada .        The same term was used in window glass " Canada " or "German " or " English ".  These fruit jars may have been a copy of a U.S. jar as Hartell's Patent and Ludlow's were being sold at that time. They could have been told not to try to sell a copy of a current patent.

 These were offered in all sizes. Whatever the reason the offer as will be seen was very short lived.

Below left is a 1866 May 16th  Ad Fruit Jars Montreal Herald & Daily Gazette.  On the right is a 1866 July 11th Montreal Gazette ad. Alex McGibbon as an agent offering their jars. We only found this Ad for one month.

canada glass company fruit jar
canada glass company fruit jar

Below are two newsclips left is1866 July 4th Article Montreal Herald & Daily Commercial Gazette.

On the right is Dec 3rd 1866 Robery 1866 Montreal Herald & Daily Commercial Gazette.

17A-1866 party-july 4 1866 MHDG.jpg
18A-1866 dec 4 robbery.jpg

1867 Mar. 5th article on a fire at the works . Montreal Herald & Daily Commercial Gazette

19A-1867 march 5 fire 1.jpg
20A-1867 march 5 fire 2.jpg

From the book , Statements relating to trade , navigation , mining etc of the Dominion of Canada 1867 by William John Patterson.

canada glass company hudson

1867 Sept 1st Auction of glass. Montreal Hearld & Daily Commercial Gazette

22A-1867  MHDC sept 1.jpg

1868 Montreal Directory  lists


CANADA GLASS COMPANY (Limited), C.W. Walkem, secretary, 10 St Nicholas

23A-1868 april 14-Hearld-ad sale of what

Note , the offering of bitters bottles , we will expand on this in the following write up on the products and insulators.

1868 Aug 18th N # 29336
Protest on a promissory note dated May 15th 1868 for $2119.18 taken out by Canada Glass Co. Ltd.  by Benjamin Lyman as President and Henry Lamplough as treasurer. It was from Lamplough & Campbell to the Company. The Company was unable to make the payment.
1869 April 29th Changing the place of their office Montreal from the Montreal Herald & Daily Commercial Gazette

24A-1869april 29.jpg

1869 May 26  LR # 13337
Resolution of meeting from April 15 1869 Benjamin Lyman President says John Donaldson as secretary  "acknowledged and confessed to be indebted" unto Henry Thomas Lamplough and Robert Campbell junior ( copartners as druggists in MTL firm Lamplough  & Campbell for the sum of $12,092.21current money , to be paid in full over 3 years from this date . As collateral the Canada Glass Co. Ltd. land , lots 25 and 26 .

  LAMPLOUGH & CAMPBELL BACKGROUND                                                                                                                 Lamplough & Campbell acquired the business of Alfred Savage in 1856 . In 1866 they sold much of the business to Evans, Mercer & Co. They must have held some of the new company,  as in the dissolution of partnership of Lamplough & Campbell in 1880 they were ending some dealings with Evans Mercer & Co. They sold druggists supplies, medicines and surgical instruments. The Montreal directory of 1869 describes them as wholesale druggists and manufacturing  chemists.

An ad from 1865 shows them offering soda water bottles . As they were original share holders it is likely they were from the Canada Glass Co. Ltd.

25A-1865 ad lamplough.jpg

1869 STARK ALMANAC Note changes in heads of Company.

26A-1869 starck's almanac Glass

1870 march 18 N # 31759
Protest on a promissary note taken out by Canada Glass Co. Ltd. on Nov. 15th 1869  for $735 to be paid to J.H. Joseph      who was President of company at this time.

VICTORIA SPRING in Bedford Quebec.                                                                                                                                  Also at this time Canada Glass Co. Ltd. was making a protest against the Victoria Spring Company.                                    Notary # 32093 June 10th 1870 for $177.06 for value received . This would have been for the bottles made for the spring water , more on this in the products at the end of this write up.

The doc below is from the Quebec Official Gazette.

27A-1870 victoria sprins-1.jpg
28A-1870 victoria spring-2.jpg
canada glass company victoria springs

The Victoria Spring must have settled the debt as they continued until Jan 25th 1873.

  LR # 16334 when the property is sold to Simeon R. Whitman .


Notary # 3289  July 4th 1871. protest over jars ordered Dec 23rd 1870 .  Adam Darling & Thomas Jordan as Darling & Jordan are protesting against the Canada Glass Co. Ltd. over 300 gross ( 43,200 ) VICTORY fruit jars late and improperly made. See the write up in the fruit jar section of this site.

1871 Canada Directory under Montreal

30A-1871 canada directory -under mtl.jpg

1871 Canada Directory under Hudson

canada glass company hudson

The Canada census of 1871 has 20 house numbers with glass employee's.

1872 There is no longer a mention in the Montreal directory. This shows the office in Montreal was closed.

1872 Oct 22 Quebec Official Gazette.
Here we find after a Court case the offering for sale by Sheriff of lots # 25 - # 26 to be sold 27th of Feb 1873 .       Lamplough & Campbell had not been paid by the end of 3 years . They are calling in the mortgage.

32A-1872 QOG-1.jpg
33A-1872 QOG-2.jpg

They did not register it till  Dec 16 1873 LR # 15410  The whole property was sold by Sheriff Febuary 27th 1873 to Lamplough & Campbell as highest bidders , for $5200.  this took that amount off what they were owed. Since the original mortage was $12,092.21 and some may have been paid down. This still left them out thousands of dollars. At this point the Canada Glass Co. Ltd. was over. The works was theirs and it continued as a glass works . More on this later .

This is from Lovell's Gazetteer of British North America for 1873 . It is identical to their report in 1877

34A-1877 lovell british american-1.jpg
35A-1877 lovell british american-2.jpg

May 8th 1874 . Letter by Bejamin Lyman in the  Journals of the House of Commons of the Dominion of Canada Vol. B by Canada, Parliment , House of Commons .

36A-1874 lyman letter-1.jpg
37A-1874 lyman letter-2.jpg
38A-1874 lyman letter-3.jpg
39A-1874 lyman letter-4.jpg
40A-1874 lyman letter-5.jpg

           LAST FEW YEARS 1873 to 1876 

While the letter ( above) to the Parliament says Canada Glass Co. Ltd. is closed , we can not find a dissolution of it .

Also we have a bottle with E M & Co. St L , it is a Evans Mercer & Co from the St Lawrence Glass Co. which ended in July 1873.  As  Lamplough & Campbell were in with EM&Co we feel that they continued the works at Hudson for a personal supply  of bottles and the pressing of insulators.

See info on the farm lease below the Egginton info, that shows the glass works is still listed as such in April 1875.    It can be seen that the works continued till about the fall of 1876 . Shown by the CD 742 threadless insulator , which will be dealt with in the products and insulators . As well as the final sale of the property dealt with in 1877-78 .  


Oliver Egginton was born in Birmingham, England. His family first moved to the U.S. and after 1896 he went on to set up one of the best cutting and polishing companies for crystal glass in the U.S. .


Oliver , Enoch and Thomas his brothers  moved to Montreal Canada to work at the St. Lawrence Glass Company .                ( opened on  October 22 1867 closed with a sheriff's sale and auction on July  10th 1873 )
Oliver is first noted in Montreal in Notary #13551 June 25 th ,1868 ( a notification)  and #13337  November 9th 1868 when he is transferring a lease over to Madame Baire. 

1869 April 6th N # 1646 , Oliver listed as a glass manufacturer is leasing a house on Workman & Delisle  near St Lawrence Glass Company , for one year and four days.

1870 March 19 -N # 2151 , Lease for one year for house on Workman and Delisle ( until March 1871 )

Enoch Egginton was superintendent of the St Lawrence Glass Company and after his sudden death on May  18 1869, Oliver became manager.  

Top pic is 1868  Montreal directory . Below that is 1869 Montreal Directory

41A-1868 MTL- 1.jpg
oliver egginton

Then Oliver is listed as clerk at the St Lawrence Glass Co. . From the 1870 Montreal directory.

oliver egginton

In 1871 Oliver Foly Egginton is no longer listed in the 1871 Montreal directory.


 However, he is found in the 1871 census for Vaudreuil, Vaudreuil Quebec  listed under the employee's of the glass works   ( Canada Glass Company Limited ) in house # 106 along with his wife, Ellen and sons George (Oliver Enoch ) age 23 and Walter age 15. His son Alfred James Eggington died in Montreal on Febuary 28 1871. The Census information was collected as of April 2 1871. 

George ( Oliver Enoch ) passed away at age 24 ( according to a letter by Oliver Foly written in 1883 ) and was buried in Cote St- Luc cemetary in Montreal. He would have passed away in 1872 .                                                                      Therefore, about April 1871, Oliver left the St Lawrence Glass Company in Montreal and went to work at the Hudson glass works. There is a book at the Corning Museum of coulored glass recipes that they believe was Enoch's but coloured glass products were used at Hudson where Oliver certainly would have had access to them as manager . We believe that this was Oliver's book.

In Febuary 1873 the Canada Glass Company property was sold to Lamplough & Campbell. In May 1874 Benjamin Lyman's letter to Parliment says the Hudson glass works under the Canada Glass Company Limited closed , although it was continued under Lamplough & Campbell as will be put forward in the products under insulators CD 742 . 

Sometime in 1874  Oliver Foly Egginton left to work in Corning , New York. He is listed as a glass blower in the 1874-75 Boyd's Elmira and Corning Directory the info for this would have been taken in the fall of 1874 .  In the New York State census for 1875 Oliver and Walter are listed as glass cutters. Both worked at this time for John Hoare's glass cutting establishment. In 1880 they worked for T G Hawkes and in October 1896  Oliver founded his own glass cutting shop, the O.F. Eggington Company. (1896-1918). The Corning Museum of glass has examples of his products.

1875 April 14th N # 9923 . Is a Farm lease from Lamplough & Campbell to Albert Vipond . From the 1st of May 1875 for three years ending 13th April 1878 . For one hundred acres of land with cottages , barn, boarding house , stables etc.            This leaves 20 acres and the lease is not to include the land by the river on which the glass works , stores and offices are built. It at this time is still referred to as a "glass works".  


 From plan  of APRIL 16th 1877. Bottom pic is the riverfront.

44A-1877-plan 1_edited.jpg
45A-1877-plan 2.jpg
46A-1877-plan 3.jpg

Again this map is of the entire lots 25 & 26 and the whole piece was called Cold Spring Farm .

47A-LOT 25-26.jpg

 1878  June 6th N # 15246, deposit of the plan of Cold Springs Farm by H. S. Harwood Provincial Land Surveyor dated April 16 1877 

1878 april 24th LR # 17843 , also N # 420 . First sale of lot from plan of Cold springs farm to Dame Ducharme , 28 acres with several houses and other buildings her husband is Gilbert Pesant . 

1878 Oct 10th LR # 18013 sale Lots # 19 and # 20 of Cold Springs to Benjamin Vipond. 

1878 Nov 5th  LR # 18046 sale of portion of lot # 75 to Simon Falla  (425 feet wide) NOTE can be seen on map .                In this document they say that certain areas will be common land and the partion line crosses over the glass works . This shows the glass works is closed or gone.

1879 July 19th LR  # 18365  Charles Reynolds offer to buy.

1879 Nov 29th LR # 18526 Cancelled sale to Charles Reynolds.

1879 Oct 15th LR # 18545 also N # 16358  sale to Alex McNaughton 84 acres. Back portion of land up to the mail road or the Queens Road . It dosn't include lots 19 & 20 belonging to Vipond.

1879 Dec 15th LR # 18575 sale from Dame Ducharme back to Lamplough & Campbell for $1.  previous mortgage  is cancelled for the 28 acres .

1880 Feb 18th LR # 18734 Lamplough and Campbell  Dissolution of partnership in effect since Jan 1st 1880 Robert Campbell gets Cold Springs Farm.

1880 Oct 15 LR # 19085 sale of 28 acres from  Robert Campbell to Alexander McNaughton  - lease continues to Gilbert Pesant until April next .

This leaves about 8 acres of common area , John Parks with the store  , Benjamin Vipond with 19 & 20.  Falla with a lot from the store to the common.


We give this info because we wanted to show that the store was independent of the Glass works. It was still in business till 1876 showing there were still a group of people in the area till then.

1865 july 18-LR # 11527 and N # 3243      See info above- first purchase of lot for store


1865 oct 31st -LR # 11576    statement of partnership between George Hilliard Mathews and David Reay as traders as "grocer and general merchants" in Hudson as of May 1st 1865    


Ad below is from the 1865 canada Directory.

48A-1865 can direc store ad.jpg

1871 nov 27 -LR # 14425 is the sale of store lot at Hudson by G H Mathews to David Reay - as of July 28 1871- Issac Jones Gibb has contributed 400 -lot is collateral


1872 oct 14- LR # 15317 David Reay borrowing 600 from Charles Reay- lot is collateral  

1875 aug 27 -LR # 16282  David Reay Bankrupt

1876 March 28 Quebec Official Gazette . sale of property

1876 april 6 -LR # 16687 and LR # 16689.      David Reay insolvent estate pays off, GH Mathews, Charles Reay and Issac J Gibb . LR # 16689-Issac Gibb sells lot to John Parks Hotel keeper.


An interesting addition from the Montreal Chronicle on June 21st 1877 about the natives in Hudson camping out in the no longer used glass factory. This shows the glass factory was no longer in operation at this time.

1877 june 21 morn chron-HUDSON.jpg


The Montreal Telegraph Co. dates the rise and fall of the early glass works of Quebec.                                                    First was the Canada Glass works of St Johns C.E. they produced insulators from 1847 to 1864-5 under the different owners ,1847 Smith Wilkins & Co  , 1856 -Hugh Allan , 1860 - Eusebe Dupont ending 1864-5 .         

  Next to have the contract was the Canada Glass Co. Ltd. 1864-5 to 1873 under that name . Yet under Lamplough & Campbell it can be seen below that this glass house continued till 1876. 


 In 1876 with the opening of the St Johns Glass Co. in St. Johns Quebec the new threaded insulators were made.



This works ran from 1864 to around 1876. It is not listed after 1877 yet it was foreclosed on by sheriff's sale early in 1873      ( see write up above.) The last few years were likely mainly insulators . 1876 was the end of the threadless era.  
The product range goes back to the many colours used for medicines , churches etc. especially mid 1860's

In 1864 the CD 742.3 is their first insulator , it came in aqua's , shades of teal green & teal blue , green's , & blues . There are two moulds heavy dome on the left  and round dome on right . Some of these came with a M.T.Co. base plate showing that the Montreal Telegraph Co. went to this works after 1864-5 when Eusebe Dupont closed in St Johns.                 Because these were being made in large numbers most are the less expensive regular glass made for them , but in a few cases left over glass was used giving the great coulors we find .

cd 742.3 threadless insulator

The next insulator to be made about the later half of the 1860's ( 66 - 69 ) is the CD 726 this would have been a mould made for customers other than the Montreal Telegraph Co. Many of these came in the more expensive glass coulors as they were made to use up extra glass from specialty wares. These were made in small numbers and stock piled to be used when an order came in.

cd 726 threadless insulator

Near the end of the life of the mould these came with a different base plate. Normal base is on the left and the one on the right has more of the CD 742 base ( a later mould type )

cd 742 threadless insulator

Two cranberry black glass 726's , compare to the ROYAL ITALIAN BITTERS bottle . The bottle was made between 1868 & 1872 for Angelo Gianelli of Montreal. The insulators would have been the final glass used up when the order was filled for these bottles.              

  The 726's came in a wide coulor range aqua's green's blue's , blackglass , puce , purples & cranberry's. 

cd 726 cranberry blackglass threadless insulator
G-1867 april 18 bitters.jpg
royal italian bitters

      CD 742 threadless insulator.

This insulator was made from 1871 - 1875 - 6 . This will require some explaining. 
First though I feel the need to correct an error that began with someone finding a 742 at a dig at the Hamilton Glass Works  It was taken out of context and the idea was that the 742 was made at Hamilton. That was in the 1960-1970 time frame,

In hindsight it is well known that these insulators were made at Hudson. Yet there are a small number of collectors that continue to hold to the idea that some were made at Hudson and some at Hamilton.

My first thought on these was , why were they made ?. The earlier moulds of the 742.3 were still in good shape.

 There were two 742 moulds , one came with a no embossed base plate . Most of these with no embossing on the base came in aqua or regular run glass. The M.T.Co. ones though would occasionally come in special coulors , though mostly in the last few years. 

Below is a cobalt blue M.T.Co. base embossed. Below that pic is an unembossed in aqua. 742 threadless insulator
cd 742 threadless insulator

In looking at the D.T.Co.  ( Dominion Telegraph Co. )embossed  base plate of the 742  , I realized that this was the freshest insulator that I find in this mould .                                                     

The skirt is the longest of the base embossed ones that has no added plate to extend the skirt.

 Why then are there so few of the D.T.Co. embossed ones.  In the first year or two of the Dominion Telegraph Co. they used U.S. insulators and were spending too much . There was a change in direction and they must have gone to Hudson for an insulator at Canadian cost. 

D.T.Co. below with base pic below that .

d.t co. 742 threadless insulator
d. t. co. 742 threadless insulator

The Montreal Telegraph had got their insulators from Hudson since it's beginning in 1864 . They would not have taken to the idea of D.T.Co. on their turf. So the D.T.Co. base plate was changed for an M.T.Co. one. I thought I had seen at one time a M.T.Co. embossing that was the same as the D.T.Co. with only the D turned into an M , I have not been able to locate a pic of it so am unsure.

The first use of the now M.T.Co. mould lasted from 1871 till about 1873 . The skirt became shorter but was still usable. This is at the time of the Canada Glass Co. Ltd.'s close . At this time a ( 3/8ths inch ) plate was added to the skirt making it longer . Within a short time a second plate was added ( again 3/8ths inch ) making the skirt quite long . Perhaps the thought was a further travel for electrical current to leak to the pin below.

These 1873 to the close in 1875-6 are of special interest. They often come in the most unusual coulors.  

 This is the time frame of the Lamplough & Campbell ownership. They must have had a contract to make coulored glass for someone for windows , doors etc.
 We found that in 1874 and 1875 Joseph Egginton the son of Oliver ( mentioned above ) was advertising coulored glass. Yet he was in business from 1871 to 1887 in Montreal and was offering only cut glass for doors and engraved glass for special items in those years other than 74-75.

      Below is an ad for that time . Also 742's with added plates from the 1873 - 1875-6 time frame.

P-5A1874 mtl dir.jpg
cd 742 threadless insulator
cd 742 threadless insulator
cd 742 threadless insulator
cd 742 threadless insulator


In the write up of the Canada Glass Co.Ltd. we showed the relationship between the Victoria Spring and Canada Glass Co.

This is the bottle made for them. The ad and picture of bottle are from www

P-12 victoria-spring.jpg
P-11 victoria-spring-co-1868-american-ho


In research done by others it has been shown that the Varennes spring was open from 1840 to 1859 and at that time it was sold to the local priest who closed down the spa and spring . He used the grounds and buildings for the elderly and orphans. By 1871 it was bought back and restored as a cure spa. The bottles below are from this time frame as no early bottles have been found .

This same lip can be found on some of the Kenneth Campbell Medical Hall bottles placing this lip in this 1871 time frame .  Yet he operated over such a long time his other bottles could be attributed to the Ottawa Glass Works ( early ) and the St Johns Glass Co. - Excelsior Glass Co. ( later )


           FRUIT JARS 

In the write up on this works we documented the VICTORY jar quart as being a Canadian jar. It was a copy of a U.S. jar but the patents were left off. There is a full write up of this jar in the Fruit Jars on this site. 

I believe the earlier offering of jars in all sizes were copies of the Hartell's patent. This never took off but a few were made.

Below is a picture of the VICTORY jar.

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