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                                                        GROUND LIP CROWN HALF GALLONS

             FISH HOOK.

 This name has been applied by former collectors, it applies to the top hook on the letter C . Even though it is not like a fish hook and other jars look more like a fish hook I leave it .

At the top of the C the line comes down then squares off horizontally then goes back up to begin the letter C.
This jar is somewhat like the tall cross moulds .

BASE 1...10 - 10 pearls. The C is 15/16ths high and the other letters are 9/16ths with the O being 3/4's of an inch wide.
  The word CROWN is a hair under 4 inches. The # 1 on the base is 1 inch. The base # can be seen while looking at the base with the embossing on the left.
This jar also comes as the eary THE / T.EATON CO / LIMITED / TORONTO .


BASE 2...11 - 11 pearls. Very similar to the base 1, but the word CROWN is a little shorter 3 & 15/16ths.
The base # is a swan like 2 and is seen when the jar is held looking at the base, with the embossing on the left .


The top pic is of the base # 1 , 10 - 10 . The next pic is of the T Eaton's that came on this mould.

fish hook crown fruit jar
t eaton toronto fruit jar

            JAGGED LINE.

The name for this jar comes from the zig zag line in the middle band of the Crown emblem .

NOTE . there are two sets of these Jagged line jars. This set I am sure is the older of the two. There is no line under the base number .
  These jars have a line coming down at the top of the letter C ,   it does not however square off like the one above ( fish   hook ) before it goes up to make the letter C.

BASE  # 3...11 - 11 pearls , letter C is just under 1 in. other letters are 5/8ths in. Word is 4 & 11/16ths wide.                        The 3 on the base is 1 in. high and 9/16ths wide, it can be seen with the embossing on the right when looking at the base.    There are 8 upward triangles in the jagged band & nine dots in the row below .

BASE # 4...11 - 12 pearls , letter C is 15/16ths high others are 5/8ths , word is 4 & 3/4's wide.                                            The 4 on the base is backwards , 1 in. high and 13/16ths wide . It can be seen looking at base with embossing on the right.  There are 10 upward triangles in the jagged band and 9 dots in the row below.

BASE # 5... 11 - 11 pearls , the letter C is 7/8ths high and the other letters are 5/8ths. Word is 4 & 5/8ths wide.                 The 5 on base 7/8ths high  by 1/2 inches wide. It can be seen with embossing on the right.                                                  There are 9 upwards triangles in the jagged band and 10 dots in the row below.

PLAIN BASE ...11 - 11 pearls. Most like the base 5 jar yet it is not a rework , letter C is 7/8ths high and the other letters are 5/8ths .  Word is 4 & 1/2 in. There are 8 upwards triangles in band and 9 dots in row below.


The pic is of the


The name for this jar comes from the zig zag line in the middle band of the Crown emblem .

This is a different set from the one above.

This set is as said in title an underlined base number. They are well embossed and the base number is strong. The letter C has no downward stroke to start as in the above two sets. ( fish hook and jagged line have no underline on base number )

BASE 1... 14 - 13 , the letter C is just over 7/8th in. high & 9/16ths wide. Other letters are 5/8ths high. Word is 4 & 3/16ths. Base # is 15/16ths from top of a backwards 1 to bottom of line (underline)
It is seen with embossing down.

BASE 2... 14 - 13 , letter C is 7/8ths by 1/2 in. others are 5/8ths high and word is 4 & 1/8th. Base # is 15/16ths from top of backwards 2 to bottom of line ( underline ) It is seen with embossing down.

BASE 3... 13 - 13 , letter C is 7/8ths by 9/16ths. others are 5/8ths high and word is 4 & 3/8ths. Base # is 1 &   7/16ths from top of backwards  3 to bottom of line         ( underline )

BASE 4 ...14 - 13 , letter C is amost 1 inch tall other letters are 5/8ths. Word is 4 & 5/16ths. Base # is 1 & 5/16ths from top of backwards 4 to bottom of line (   underline ) It is seen with embossing down.

BASE 5 ... 14 - 13 letter C is 13/16ths tall and others are 5/8ths. word is 4 & almost 1/8th. Base # is 1 & 3/16ths from top of backwards 5 to bottom of line ( underline ) It is seen with embossing down.


The pic below is of the base # 5 14 - 13

jagged line crown fruit jar


The reverse name comes from the two bands across the middle of the Crown emblem.
This is a more difficult group because there are plain base moulds. I do not believe these are a bad blow where the number doesn't show.

BASE 12 ...14 - 14 pearls , letter C is 1 in. tall and 1 in. wide other letters are 11/16ths tall. The word is 4 & 1/2 in.
 Base # is 1 in. tall and 1 & 1/8th across. It is seen with embossing facing down.

BASE 13 ...15 - 14 pearls , letter C is 7/8 ths in. tall and 15/16ths in. wide other letters are 5/8ths tall. The word is 4 & 5/16ths in.
 Base # is 1 in. tall and 3/4s across. It is seen with embossing facing down.

PLAIN BASE ...13 - 13 pearls , letter C is 15/16 ths in. tall and 15/16ths in. wide other letters are 5/8ths tall. The word is 4 & 3/8ths in.
There are 11 dots in middle band and the cross at top of the crown is 3/4s in. tall.

PLAIN BASE ...13 - 15 pearls , letter C is 7/8 ths in. tall and 15/16ths in. wide other letters are 9/16ths tall. The word is 4 & 3/8ths in.
There are 13 dots in middle band and the cross at top of the crown is 3/4s in tall.
NOTE ....The next 2 have a small C in the word Crown.

PLAIN BASE ...14 - 13 pearls , letter C is just under 3/4s in. tall and 3/4s in. wide other letters are 1/2 in. tall. The word is just over 3 & 1/2 in.
There are 12 dots in middle band and the cross at top of the crown is 13/16ths in tall.

PLAIN BASE ...15 - 16 pearls , letter C is just over 11/16ths in. tall and 11/16 ths in. wide other letters are just under 1/2 in. tall. The word is just over 3 & 5/8ths in.
There are 13 dots in middle band and the cross at top of the crown is just under 7/8 ths in tall.
The one I have in this mould is in clear glass , I believe this is a rework of a earlier jar but I didn't match it. 


reverse crown fruit jar

                 HIGH X BAND

This name comes from the top band in the center of the logo like this XXXXXXXXXX.
The C in Crown begins with the downward hook like the fish hook style but can be easily identified by the middle band.

BASE 3 ... 14 - 13 pearls , the letter C is 13/16ths in. tall by 5/8ths in.wide . The word is 3 & 13/16ths in.   It begins with the downward hook like the fish hook style but can be easily identified by the middle band. The base # 3 is 1 & 3/16ths tall & 5/8ths in. wide, it can be seen with the embossing on the left.

BASE 4 ... 14 - 14 pearls , the letter C is 7/8ths in. tall by 5/8ths in.wide. The word is 3 & 3/4s in.  It begins with the downward hook like the fish hook style but can be easily identified by the middle band. The base # 4 is 1 & 1/4in. tall & 1 in. wide, it can be seen with the embossing on the right .

BASE 17 ... 14 - 13 pearls,the letter C is just under 7/8ths in. tall by 9/16ths in.wide. The word is just under 3 & 7/8ths in.  It begins with the downward hook like the fish hook style but can be easily identified by the middle band. The band in the middle has 10 dots with the one on the left often hard to see.
The base # 17 is 3/4s & 5/8ths in. wide, it can be seen with the embossing downwards .
This 17 mould often is in clear and even in the aqua it is often hard to read the 17 as the 7 is smudged. This jar could be a rework of an earlier one.


The pic is of the base # 3  14 - 13

high x band crown fruit jar

           TALL CROSS

These Tall Cross jars have a longer than normal bottom leg in the cross at the top of the Crown. The first one I list has no readable base number, yet because of the type of embossing of the letter C in Crown I believe it is a base 12. On some jars the downward hook on the letter C is hard to see .

BASE 12 ? ... 13 - 14 pearls, the letter C is 13/16ths in. tall by 5/8ths in.wide.   It begins with the downward hook like the fish hook style but can be easily identified by the tall cross.  The other letters are 9/16ths in. tall .   
The word is 3 & 13/16ths in. There are 9 dots in the band in the middle of the Crown.
The base number would be seen with the embossing downwards.
NOTE...This same mould is later reworked with a strong base # 7.

BASE 13 ... 14 - 13 pearls, the letter C is 7/8ths in. tall by 11/16 ths in. wide.   It begins with the downward hook like the fish hook style but can be easily identified by the tall cross. The other letters are 5/8ths in. tall.
The word is just over 3 & 3/4s in. There are 10 dots in the band in the middle of the Crown.
The base number would be seen with the embossing downwards.

BASE 14 ... 14 - 13 pearls , the letter C is 7/8ths in. tall by 11/16 ths in. wide. .  It begins with the downward hook like the fish hook style but can be easily identified by the tall cross. The other letters are 5/8ths tall. The word is 4 in.
There are 11 dots in the band in the middle of the Crown.
The base number would be seen with the embossing downwards.
I have one of this mould in clear.

BASE 15 ... 14 - 13 pearls ,..the letter C is just under 1 in. tall by 5/8 ths in. wide. It begins with the downward hook like the fish hook style but can be easily identified by the tall cross. The other letters are 11/16ths tall. The word is 4 & 3/16ths in.
There are 11 dots in the band in the middle of the Crown.
The base number would be seen with the embossing downwards.

BASE 16 ... 14 - 13 pearls ,...... the letter C is just under 7/8ths in. tall by 9/16 ths in. wide. It begins with the downward hook like the fish hook style but can be easily identified by the tall cross. The other letters are 9/16ths tall. The word is 3 & 3/4s in.
There are 9 dots in the band in the middle of the Crown.
The base number would be seen with the embossing downwards.

BASE  2 & 19 ... 13 - 11 pearls .
NOTE ...This mould comes as a base 2 first and is reworked into a base 19 . When the mould is reworked the dots in the middle band are more square than round. 
 The letter C is 7/8ths in. tall by 9/16 ths in. wide. there is no downward hook on the letter C 
 The other letters are 9/16ths tall. The word is 4 & 1/16 th in.
There are 11 dots in the band in the middle of the Crown.
The base number would be seen with the embossing on the right.

BASE   20 ... 13 - 14 pearls . the letter C is 7/8ths in. tall by 9/16 ths in. wide. . The other letters are 9/16ths tall.

The word is 4 in. there is no downward hook on the letter C
There are 12 dots in the band in the middle of the Crown.
The base number would be seen with the embossing on the left .

The pic below is of the base # 20  13 - 14 

tall cross crown fruit jar
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