Glass Bros & Co. London , Ontario
The following information is taken from the book EARLY ONTARIO POTTERS by David L. Newlands

This is a copy of the patent for the self- sealing preserve jar.
Below will be pictures of Glass Bros sealers and ads from the 1892 Canadian Grocer

July 24, 1891 - Ad in the Canadian journal of commerce, finance and insurance review

These following ads are from the Canadian Grocer from January to June 1892
Note it mentions 4 sizes for each type - also lid on "Dominion " fruit jar shows "Glass Bros & Co. "

Should say Pottersburg not Pattersburg

July 1892 - Ad in the Canadian Grocer and General Storekeeper
NOTE - The company is Glass Bros & Co - they referred to the factory as London Stoneware Pottery Works
In Directory listings for certain years 1888-1891 it is still called London Crockery Manufacturing Co which is the company name for the years 1886-1887.

The first ad says both types of sealers are made in four sizes.
In the pints as you can see from the picture the second jar from the right seems a little bit smaller?
Would this be the fourth size they are referring to? I have my doubts.
Then in the pic below it shows the three sizes in the self- sealing jar - does any one have another size?

On all the pints shown - on base is the same incised words -"Glass Bros & co London On Pat'd July 1891
See pic below
HOWEVER, this is the only size incised like this ( compared to Quart and larger size )

Picture of Quarts- all incised on base - Glass Bros Co London Ont ( Ont which is very faint )

Pictures of larger size and base incised like the quarts -

Ad also mentions 4 sizes- shown are the only two I have - a quart and a pint. They have nothing incised on base.
They were to have come with a marked lid -Glass Bros & Co London.
Most now have a glass lid as few pottery lids seemed to have survived. ( in other words they probably broke)

The following picture is of the Glass Bros & Co quart jar and lid and the ad picture.
photos from Maple Leaf Auctions - Scott Wallace

The next picture is of a pint jar with a lid - missing the "Bros". - AN ERROR
photos by J. B. Dion

Please if you are aware of a fourth size in these two styles of jar ( or other style marked Glass Bros )let us know.
I am also requesting a proper pic of the " Dominion " jars with all sizes known and if anyone has any of the self- sealing and " Dominion jars with unusual glazes or paper labels , I would love to add them to the site!
Thank you
I will be posting pictures of other items produced by Glass Bros.