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Originally , one article was to be written on the Potters and Potteries of St Johns during the time period of 1854-1876.  However , it  will now be divided into four separate articles .

The Farrar's Pottery 1854-1876 - it will cover Moses , Ebenezer Lawrence , George Whitfield , George Henry and Lucius Farrar. It will also cover  the involvement of Orrin L. Ballard and Joseph T. Hazen with the Farrars. The  potters working for them will also be included.  
There will also  be three other articles on the lives of  John Gillespie  ,Orrin Lawrence Ballard

                                                                                                                                                              and Joseph Theophile Hazen. 

Some of the lives of these people are intertwined so it would be necessary to read all four to have a full scope of this period of pottery in St Johns.


                                                                                   JOSEPH  THEOPHILE HAZEN

It is often assumed by many collectors that J .T .Hazen was a potter where as all facts show him to be a merchant.

In Elizabeth Collard's book " Nineteenth- Century Pottery and Porcelain in Canada " , Joseph T. Hazen is listed as a merchant.

 In Helen H.  Lambert's  book " Two Centuries of Ceramics in the Richelieu Valley " she  implies J. T.  Hazen , a merchant , may have had stoneware made with his name at the pottery once owned  by John Gillespie  .

 This assumption was made because  J .T. Hazen paid the taxes on this property in 1865 and 1868 yet did not own the property at the time .

Real Fortin's book" Poterie et Vaisselle -Saint- Jean et Iberville " repeats Lambert and then lists the stoneware marked with his name to have been made at the pottery once owned by John Gillespie.

 Nothing we  have found shows John Gillespie made pottery for J. T.  Hazen . 

 Joseph Theophile Hazen was a Merchant in St Johns , Canada east  ( now called St Jean sur le Richelieu , Quebec , Canada ) He was  there until May of 1869 when he moved to Montreal.

It was also discovered J. T. Hazen had a close personal financial relationship with George W.  Farrar and George H. Farrar starting between 1855-1857 and ending about 1869.

It is now clear the stoneware marked J . T. Hazen was produced at the time of their Potteries .  


This article will document Joseph T. Hazen and his business ventures in St Johns and Montreal.

 At the end of this article , there is a section providing information on the Lot of land known as the west half of # 274 in the town of St Johns . This is the property on which John Gillespie had his Pottery and  the same property on which J. T. Hazen paid the taxes and later owned.

There are no documents showing it as a pottery after John Gillespie closed up shop in early 1860.(see article on John Gillespie )

 L # indicates the reference is a Land record and N # is a notary record. Genealogy information sources are from Ancestry , and Family search. The dates for J. T.  Hazen 's children are sourced from the book " The  Hazen Family in America , Volume 1 " by Tracy Elliot Hazen Phd . ( they have not been crossed referenced , as the  Church records list their baptism dates. )


Josephus Theophile  Hazen was born on February 20, 1830 in Ste Marie de Monnoir , Marieville Lower Canada.

He was baptized there  in 1832 along with five older siblings at the Paroisse-Nom de Jesus Ste Marie.

His parents were Joseph and Betsey (Whitney - Davis ) Hazen.

In this first document  Louis Michon and a 21 year old J.  T.  Hazen are referred to as business partners under the firm name " Michon & Hazen ". They are not mentioned in the Canada Directory for 1851 so their partnership was formed around the date for this document . This lease was for a property on which they had their store.

N # 1683  -April 9, 1851 
William Macrae is renting property in St Johns to Louis Michon and Joseph T. Hazen  .

The lease starts May 1 1851.


1852 November 24 - Joseph Theophile Hazen , Merchant in St Johns marries Dorothie Besse

j t hazen st johns stoneware

1853 June 1 - Birth of J. T.  Hazen's daughter , Marie Dorothe Malvina born in St Johns.

The baptism record is for February 2 1854.

1853 Montreal Directory Supplement Under new Businesses since the 1851 Directory -

The firm of Michon & Hazen has been added.

j t hazen st johns cruche

In 1854 , Michon & Hazen are still at the property leased in 1851. They renew this lease starting on May 1, 1854.

N# 2565 - June 1854 
William Macrae is extending the lease of  the property for three consecutive years to Michon & Hazen. 

Joseph T.  Hazen was also involved in the community of St Johns. His accounting skills were used not only for his business.

                                        January 11, 1855- Montreal Herald and Daily Commercial Gazette

j t hazen st johns stoneware

1856  May 7 - Birth of daughter , Marie Cecil Elizabeth in St Johns.

The following is the first document connecting J. T.  Hazen with G. W.  Farrar.

When G. W.  Farrar sells his pottery to Orrin L. Ballard it is discovered Michon & Hazen lent him money sometime between 1855 and this date.

L # 432 - November 16, 1857
Sale to Orrin L. Ballard - Michon & Hazen are still owed $ 700. which they had lent to G. W.  Farrar.

1858 March 12 - News and Frontier Advocate 
Under the newspaper's St Johns Directory listing is " Michon & Hazen "


j t hazen st johns

The property Michon & Hazen have rented is up for sale. However , this property does not sell until August 29,1864. ( L# 3021 )

                              September 23, 1858 - Montreal Herald and Daily Commercial Gazette

j t hazen st jean sur le richelieu

Merchants would buy and sell merchandise from one another as demonstrated in the following document.

We are only made aware of who they were involved with when they did not pay on time.

1858 July 30 -  N # 18092 
Protest of  non - payment of a promissory note dated  from May 27, 1858 from Michon & Hazen to E & D MacDonald.

The amount owed is $ 214.16 

Only says for " Value received" yet important to note the MacDonalds were Merchants at this time period.

Both of these listings are from the previous year Canada Directory  1857.

The MacDonalds are the larger more established business as can be seen with the larger print listing.

J .T.  Hazen must have been living at the store as he does not have a separate listing.

st jean sur le richelieu cruche
j t hazen st johns cruche

 There are many missing issues of the News and Frontier Advocte newspaper online so it is difficult to find ad's in them.

However, Michon & Hazen and then J .T.  Hazen on his own advertised primarily in the french language newspaper

Le Franco - Canadien in St Johns.

1860 May 30 -  Michon & Hazen 's Ad appears from this newspapers start date until June 4, 1861.

"Michon & Hazen are located at the corner of the street Richelieu ( Front st ) and the Canal at the sign of the  Red Ball .

It is an immense establishment of Ready made Clothing , Dry Merchandise , Groceries , Hardware , Liquor , etc , etc - Wholesale or Retail  

T. H. Messier is the tailor in charge of this department ( Clothing ).

All orders will be prepared with no delay and to the taste of the customer. All will be sold at the lowest prices.

The undersigned ( Michon & Hazen ) would also like to thank their customers for their patronage since their beginnings in this town and hope the attention towards their business and their moderate prices will deserve the continued support of their customers."

j t hazen st johns stoneware

1860 August 3 - Birth of twin boys , Charles Joseph and Francis Alexander 

1861 Census - Joseph T. Hazen , Merchant

The following Protests provide information demonstrating the continued interaction between G. W. Farrar and J. T.  Hazen.

In order to pay back the $ 700. owed  to J. T. Hazen ,  G. W. Farrar would from time to time issue payments at J. T. Hazen's request.  
On March 15, 1861 -  G. W.  Farrar writes a prommisory note to Michon & Hazen for $ 100. payable two months later.

 ( N # 9232  - 9233 )

On March 21, 1861 -  G. W.  Farrar promises to pay $ 140.  to Michon and Hazen  who in turn were to pay Boyer & Hawley - Provision and Fur Merchants in Montreal ( N # 1643 )

However both these promissory notes at the due date  ended with NO FUNDS.

May 18 ,1861 - a Protest is issued for non - payment ( N # 9232 -9233 )
June 21,1861 - Protest by the City Bank of a Promissory note by G W Farrar and endorsed by Michon & Hazen (N # 1643 )

Between June 4, 1861 and January 17, 1862 , the partnership of Michon & Hazen was dissolved.

Joseph T. Hazen continued the business under his own name. G. W .Farrar was now to pay J. T. Hazen the debt he owed.

 The next ad in Le Franco - Canadien announces J .T.  Hazen is now working under his own name.

The store being situated next to a Hotel  was easy access for American travelers.

January 17, 1862

 "Attention Peace , Peace at the Red Ball sign Front St, St Johns C E ( Canada East ) , Mr Hazen who was once associated with Mr Michon thanks everyone for the generous encouragement which he received and now announces he has joined the commerce of Canada with the United States. All good bank notes from the United States in exchange for Dry Merchandise, Ready made clothing ,  Groceries and Hardware with no money exchange rate. He will also sell at prices comparable to others. Come and see for yourselves. Remember the Red Ball sign in St Johns , Next door to Mott's Hotel."

9-1862 jan 17 FRCAN-first hazen.jpg

A few months later J. T.  Hazen places the following ad in Le Franco- Canadien. It ran for two years until May 4 1864.

May 2 1862 - " New merchandise at the Red Ball , Front st. St Johns , C E - The undersigned  has just received fancy Tweeds of different patterns and different prices for clothes for men and young boys. Also black sheets ( cloth ) for $ 1 to $ 6 the yard.

 Black  and other colors "Casmirs " priced from 2s 6d to 12s 6d per yard in assorted patterns. New patterns of cloth for women's coats , and cashmere for dresses . Indian assortments for 5d to 10d per yard. Hats for men and boys for different prices and types to suit all tastes. Also a lot of merchandise to much to list. He always has on Ready Made Clothing , Groceries , Hardware etc etc etc - Also Flour sold by quarter measure or the French quintal measure ( 49.951 kg ) Buckwheat and corn flour all sold at the lowest prices. I urge customers to come and see for themselves the modeste prices and high quality of the merchandise.

J. T. Hazen "

st jean sur le richelieu hazen

1862 May 22 - Birth of  son George Edward Washington

March 28, 1863 - Montreal Herald and Daily Commercial Gazette
J. T. Hazen is visiting  Montreal.


st johns hazen stoneware

 N # 14069  -  April 1, 1864 -

A promissory note for $ 100.  from J. T. Hazen to Macpherson & Sinclair written in St Johns.  

It was to be paid two months later but was not so a protest was issued by the Bank of Montreal.
Macpherson & Sinclair were merchants in St Johns. They were wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchants.

 James Macpherson was in St Johns . John Sinclair's office was in Montreal.

Joseph T.  Hazen long running ad in Le Franco - Canadien  from May 2, 1862 until May 4, 1864 ends.

J. T. Hazen 's store was situated at the same premises from May 1, 1851 until May 1, 1865.

The original lease ( from  William Macrae )  started in April 1851 then was extended for another three until June 1854 .

It should have ended in 1857 , however in the following land record it states J .T. Hazen was still leasing the premises and gives details on where this property was situated. This is the land which had been put for sale back in 1858 but not sold until now in 1864.
L # 3021 - August 29 ,1864
William Macrae is selling Lots # 1 & 2 situated in the town of St Johns to Maxime Olivier David , Merchant.

The lots are on the east side of Front  ( Richelieu ) street and the same street is the front of the property.

To the back of the property is the land belonging to the Chambly Canal , to the south is Partion st. ( St George st. ) and to the north is lot # 3 belonging to Hodgson & Foulds.

This property has a house and an old stable upon it. The Soap Factory belongs to Charles Pierce .

The building called the " skating rink "  will be taken down by the owner before or around January 1865.

 Maxime O. David will have access to the property from this date EXCEPT for the house and dependances which are currently occupied by J. T. Hazen. His lease will end May 1 1865.

It is also understood J. T. Hazen will take down the little building near the house which he had constructed. The rent  will be transferred to the new owner as of the date of sale.

1865 February 25 - Birth of daughter  Hermine Albertine

A few months before J. T. Hazen's  lease  ends on May 1, 1865 he places this Ad in Le Franco - Canadien.

It ran until April 1865.

February 28,1865 - " MOVING!  ATTENTION! - The undersigned will take possession in April of the large new store of

Chas Langelier Esq. next door to Hotel Monette. He will offer his merchandise  at the current prices for cash only for one month starting Monday March  6 until April 6.  Note this will last for one month only at the Red Ball sign. "

st jean sur le richelieu hazen cruche

May 2 ,1865 - In Le Franco - Canadien 
 J. T. Hazen announces he is moving his merchandise to his new store. Neighbour to the south of the Hotel Monette.

This ad ran for a year until June 1866.

hazen st jean sur richelieu cruche

1865 Mitchell's Canadian Directory 
 In this directory J. T.  Hazen places an ad. Notice his name is misspelled as Hagen instead of Hazen.

J T hazen st johns stoneware

J . T.  Hazen is still involved in the financial situation of  the Pottery of G. W . Farrar and soon G. H. Farrar.

L #3568 1866 January 23
Hiram Bellows of St Albans , Vermont and  H. E. Hubbell of Fairfax, Vermont are giving up their property rights on G. W. Farrar's Pottery. J. T. Hazen is witness at the notary office.

L # 3634-3635 1866 March 6
G. W .Farrar sells his pottery on Lots 44, 51, 52 to his son G. H. Farrar , Potter and Trader of the city of Montreal.
 Then G. H. Farrar makes  5 promissory  payment notes. Two for H. Bellows, one for H. E. Hubbell, one for Dearbon Lawrence and the one for J. T. Hazen to be cashed  June 5, 1866 for $708.11

1866  May 22 - A new ad is put in Le Franco - Canadien by J. T. Hazen . It ran until May 28 1867. 
 "READ THIS! The undersigned has just received a new shipment of dry goods. The items are black sheets ( cloth ), black Casimir , cloth of assorted colours , English  and Scottish  tweeds and also from Upper Canada and fabrics for children's clothes. In all prices , Indian and gingham for shirts and aprons. Merino wool from France , as well as other types.

Parasols , socks , and gloves and a complete assortment of acrynalins for all tastes. He also has groceries on hand.

 LARGE VARIETY OF READY MADE CLOTHING. He has at his service two for the best tailors in town and everything will be guaranteed. The orders will be promptly attended to and receive the greatest attention. All will be at reasonable  prices for cash. Pay him a visit before you buy elsewhere. J T Hazen -  Neighbour to the south of Hotel Monette at the BLUE sign."

j t hazen st jean sur le richelieu

August 4, 1866- Courrier de St Hyacinthe
J .T. Hazen's name is listed as among those involved with a  Catholic religious celebration.   ( see newspaper for full article )

st jean sur richelieu eglise hazen

October 9,  1866 - This ad in Le Franco - Canadien is by Alphose Descelles to announce his new store.

He  mentions it is in J. T. Hazen's old store. He is referring to the property on the corner of Partion and Front which was sold in 1864 to Maxime O. David. ( L # 3021 ).

In this same newspaper , is the February  announcement for the bankruptcy of M. O. David.
Alphose Descelles ad says he is selling Dry Goods , Groceries , Wines & Liquors. He also mentions lard, salt , melasses , syrups etc..

j t hazen cruche st johns

1866 October 10 - Birth of son Maximillian

1866 Mercantile  Agency Reference Book for the British Provinces
This book rates credit scores of Canadian  business. J. T.  Hazen is listed under the town of St Johns.

They give two ratings.

The first is for Pecuniary strength score . It is based not only on on business capital but also personal property and possessions. If the person has less than a total of  $ 2000. this rating is left blank. This is the case of J. T. Hazen .

The second is the General Credit score . J T Hazen is listed as a 3 = Fair Rating.

j t hazen st johns stoneware

1867 Eastern-Township Directory -  Under St Johns

j t hazen st johns stoneware

 In this next document J .T.  Hazen is purchasing a large amount of merchandise  from William Benjamin & Co. -

                                                                                                                                                              Wholesale Importers of Dry Goods      

In order to do so  George Henry Farrar gets involved.

He is now the owner of the Farrar property and he will soon also partnership with William Craven ( Craven & Farrar ) in Montreal for about a year until November 20 1868.

It is possible some of the merchandise was for George H.  Farrar as he still owed money to J. T. Hazen , either way G.H. Farrar is putting up the Farrar Pottery property as collateral security. 
L # 4378 -  September 25 1867
Joseph T. Hazen , merchant in St Johns is making arrangements to pay Wm. Benjamin & Co. of Montreal - Merchants

He makes 4 prommissory notes -the  final payment due on July 4 1868 - total is for $ 1875. for goods delivered .

George Henry Farrar , trader of the city of Montreal is putting up for collateral security lots 44 , 51- south of Partion adjoining one another , bounded west side by Longueuil street , on east side by Grant street , north side by Partion and south by lot 45 fronting on Longueuil and 51 fronting on Grant with brick dwelling house , Pottery and stores.

Also lot 52  front west Grant , rear east lot 45 , south by lot 53 and north side by lot 51 with buildings in St Johns .  

1868 May 24 - Birth of son Henry Eugene

July 4, 1868 -should have been the last payment to William Benjamin & Co. but it was not yet paid in full.

July 10, 1868 - Le Franco - Canadien 
J. T .Hazen is on Council of Corporation de la Ville de St Jean.


st jean sur le richelieu hazen

It is often through protest records we can discover interactions between people.

Too many Protests also signifies a business may be suffering as some bills are not being paid on time.

The following shows J. T.  Hazen was purchasing from James Doyle & Co . Wholesale grocers , Spirits and Wine Merchants.

1868 September 25 -  This is a promissory note from J. T. Hazen to James Doyle & Co. for $101.

It is to be paid four months later  - N # 20224 

A day later on September 26, 1868  a promissory note for $ 100.  from J. T. Hazen to William Benjamin & Co.

This also is Protested  for non - payment.   N # 29785 - November 30, 1868

 A couple weeks later  on December 15, 1868 , J. T. Hazen writes another promissory note to W. Benjamin & Co.

This time the amount is for $ 201.50. ( N # 30161 )

January 28, 1869  - a Protest is issued for the promissory note to James Doyle & Co. made in September 1868. ( N # 20224 )

February 1, 1869 - G. W.  Farrar gives a promissory note to J. T. Hazen for $ 240. to be paid six months later .

This note is also endorsed by W.  Benjamin & Co. and H & A Saunders ( Wholesale Jewellers ). N # 20014

Joseph T. Hazen will not renew his store lease in St Johns this year. ( 1869 )

 February 2, 1869 - Le Franco - Canadien 
J. T. Hazen's  magnificiant store is for rent  along with other properties owned by Chs. Langelier. 


j t hazen cruche st jean sur le richelieu

February 4, 1869
James Doyle & Co. has now written a promissory note for  $ 43. to be paid at St Johns by J. T. Hazen.

 However on February 15, 1869  when Issac B. Futvoye tries to claim the money , the clerk at J. T. Hazen's office says "no funds" Then a Protest is issued. N # 8704
Issac B. Futvoye is General Agent for the Montreal + Vermont Junction and S S & C , RR Co's agent of National Cheney Fiske Express in St Johns.

N # 30161 - February 18, 1869
This Protest is for non - payment of a promissory note dated December 15, 1868 from J. T. Hazen to William Benjamin & Co. The amount is for $ 201.50

J. T. Hazen was in the same store from May 1, 1865 until May 1 1869. Starting this date it is  leased to someone else.

N # 951 -  March 9 ,1869
Charles Langelier is leasing a house (store ) starting May 1 1869 to Adolphe Henry Powell  a Merchant from Iberville.

J. T.  Hazen is presently occupying the building and has a shed behind the house. It is on Front St .

The store is inside the house and is leased as is with the counters and shelves.

As of May 1 ,1869 , J .T.  Hazen's store lease is over.

 A few weeks before this date , he buys  the property he was paying taxes in 1865 and 1868 on from E & D MacDonald.

More on this thought in the last part of this article on lot #274.

L # 5216- April 10, 1869
Sale by E & D MacDonald to Joseph T. Hazen , Merchant in St Johns,  of property - Known as west half of # 274

 The front is on Partion , in back by JF Catudal -represented by Thomas L Dufour , on the east side by representatives of Joseph Musson and on west side by St Jean street .
A wooden house and other buildings are on it. ( no mention of pottery)

 This is the same property John Gillespie  owned  from 1857-1860. It again became the property of E & D MacDonald in 1860 and no change of ownership or lease found until this sale.

J. T.  Hazen's debt to William Benjamin & Co. is paid in full.
N # 30529 - May 11, 1869
Discharge of obligation by William Benjamin from ( L # 4378 ) is being given to Joseph T. Hazen and George H. Farrar. 

J. T .Hazen has transitioned to only selling of  Wines and Liquors but not in St Johns.

On May 31, 1869,  a promissory note is written for the amount of $332.52  to Reuter, Lionais & Co. - Importers of Wine and                                                                                                                                                                   Commission Merchants from Montreal .

 It is also endorsed by Ogilvy & Co - Importers of dry Goods and Agents for  Bernard's old Tom and gingerwine, and Stewart's Scotch whiskey also from Montreal.

It is signed by De Beaufort & Hazen. ( N # 31086 )

By June of 1869 , J. T.  Hazen is listed in Montreal. His partner is Jean De Beaufort.

1869 -Montreal  Directory ( corrected to June 20, 1869 )

j t hazen st johns stneware
j t hazen st johns stoneware

N # 20014 - August 4, 1869 -

Protest of the note written by G. W.  Farrar to J. T.  Hazen on February 1, 1869. J. T.  Hazen is said to be in Montreal.

L # 5373 -  August 27, 1869
G. H & L. E Farrar are mortgaging their property with Hiram Bellows from Vermont -

                                                                                                                                    NO MENTION OF J. T. HAZEN INVOLVEMENT

N # 31086 - October 4, 1869
Protest note for non payment of the $332.52 promissory note to Reuter ,Lionais & Co in  May 1869.

L # 5553 - January 15, 1870
 E & D MacDonald demanding payment of promissory note for $ 188.50 made on September 1, 1869 by "De Beaufort & Hazen" They had defaulted on the payment.
Jean De Beaufort and Joseph T Hazen both of the city of Montreal, Wine Merchants. 

By 1870 , the partnership is no longer listed in the Montreal Directory.

Jean De Beaufort is not listed and J .T.  Hazen is listed as " Trader "

j t hazen st johns stoneware

1870 February 27 - Birth of daughter Beth Alice 

 Unfortunately ,on May 24, 1870 and July 1, 1870 , J .T.  Hazen's sons Henry and Maximilliam both died. 

1871 January 27 -  Birth of son William Augustus

Another death on May 26, 1871 , son Charles.

In the Montreal  Directory 1871 - J. T.  Hazen and Jean De Beaufort are listed separately.

25-1871 mtl dir hazen.jpg
st johns J t  hazen stoneware

Three years after purchasing the west half of lot #274, J. T.  Hazen sells it back to E & D MacDonald.

L # 6705 - April 23, 1872
Joseph T.  Hazen is selling to Edward MacDonald for $ 800. dollars the property in St Johns he bought in 1869. 
J .T. Hazen is described as living in Montreal but used to be a  merchant in St Johns.

From 1872 to 1875 the Montreal Directory lists J. T. Hazen  as following.

j t hazen st johns stoneware

On December 21, 1875, Joseph T. Hazen and Alberic De Laet ( sometimes spelled De Lact ) signed an agreement  to become the chief agents for the Niagara District Mutal Fire insurance Company  for the provinces of Quebec, New Brunswick,  Nova Scotia , Prince Edward Island , Newfoundland , and for the state of Vermont for a few years with  " certain provisions and conditions set forth ."

They were each  to pay the Niagara District Mutual Fire insurance Company two thousand dollars .  ( N # 9212 )

Alberic Augustin Francois De Laet is Joseph T.  Hazen's son in law.

On October 13, 1874 at  the Cathedrale St -  Jacques - le -  Majeur de Montreal , Alberic De Laet married Cecile Hazen.

J. T. Hazen and Alberic De Laet were now to work together selling insurance for The Niagara District Mutual Fire Insurance Co.

In the Montreal Directory for 1875 , this ad was placed.

j t hazen st johns stoneware

Starting in 1876 Joseph T. Hazen is listed as an insurance agent in the Montreal Directory and the Insurance Companies are under Alberic De Laet's listing.

j t hazen st johns stoneware
j t hazen son in law cecile

April 28, 1876 -This announcement  is placed in the Quebec city Newspaper -The Morning Chronicle 

j t hazen st johns stoneware

 On June 18, 1876 , a fire destroys the business section of St Johns ( see  Historical Article - St Johns PQ Fire 1876 )

 A few months later is this protest document.
N # 9212 - October 12, 1876
 The Niagara District Mutual Fire Insurance Company against Alberic De Laet and Joseph Theophile Hazen.  They were each  to pay the Niagara District Mutual Fire insurance Company two thousand dollars .

 However , they did not pay and now the NDMFI Co is cancelling the agreement and  demanding the books and all money owed to them. 
For the remaining years until his death, the Montreal Directory lists Joseph T. Hazen as an Insurance Agent , but not for any specific company. 

Alberic De Laet in 1877 works for an Insurance company covering the territory in and around the town of St Johns.

He is not listed in 1878 and in starting in 1879 and then 1880 he is an Importer of Wines etc.

              1877 Montreal Directory


                1878 Montreal Directory


              1879 Montreal Directory


                 1880 Montreal Directory

j t hazen st johns c e stonewaree
j t hazen st johs c e
j t hazen st johns c e
j t hazen st johns c e
j t hazen st johns c e
j t hzen st johns c e

                                           Joseph Theophile Hazen , Insurance Agent , 50 years old  dies May 23. 1880.


         May 26 1880- Registration of Death - Notre Dame de Montreal.

Louis Thibault and Alberic De Laet both Merchants are the witnesses.

j t hazen st johns stoneware

-----------------------------------------------------PICTURES OF J. T.  HAZEN  MARKED STONEWARE --------------------------------------------

                                    We are unaware of any merchant stoneware marked " Michon & Hazen " .

                                      However , if there are any they would date from the period of 1851-1861.

There are known stoneware pieces marked  J.T.  Hazen , St Johns both with and without the CE ( Canada East ).

They would date from Mid 1861 until early 1869 when Joseph T. Hazen left St Johns and went to Montreal in a partnership with Jean De Beaufort as Spirit & Wine dealers.

We are also unaware of any stoneware marked " DeBeaufort & Hazen , Montreal "

                                         The following are some  merchant stoneware pieces marked J. T. Hazen.

                                      They would have been produced at the Farrar's potteries between 1861 - 1869.

                                         The ones with C E  ( Canada East ) would have been before 1867. 



                                              The jug on the right has only a faint  gray green glaze design but no colour.

The potter did not mix their glaze well before applying the glaze and the cobalt blue colour had sank to the bottom.

j t hazen st johns stoneware
j t hazen st johns stoneware
j t hazen st johns stoneware
j t hazen st johns stoneware jug

 Bird designs are rare on St Johns made stoneware. When a bird is pictured on a piece of stoneware from this area it is on an O. L. Ballard , St Johns piece or on a J. T  Hazen , St Johns . The two following pictures are J. T. Hazen pieces.

ROM Bird JT Hazen_edited.jpg
Bird J.T_edited.jpg

 The picture below  on the left is from the ACCQ ( l'Association des collectionneurs de ceramique du Quebec ) magazine called                                                                                  " Ceramag " .

It was from the February 2017 - Number 15 issue.      The dog has on it a base inscription " Mrs Hazen ".

Below on the right   is a picture of a similar dog figure from the National Museums of Canada .

It is marked on the bottom G.H & L. E Farrar / 1871

Knowing the museum dog figure was made at G.H & L. E Farrar's pottery  and having shown J. T. Hazen's  marked stoneware was made at the Farrar's pottery between 1861-1869 . we feel this Mrs Hazen marked dog figure was made there as well. 

  It was most likely a gift from either G W Farrar , G H or L E Farrar , (during the time period of 1860- 1876 approx) or  from one of the potters working for him. Most were French Canadians and Catholic as was J. T. Hazen.

The moulds ( facing left  & right ) of these dog figures would have been used over an extended period of time.  

Thank you to the owners for letting us use this picture.

dog figure hazen pottery




                                  THE WEST HALF OF LOT # 274 ( later called # 531 ) IN ST JOHNS

This property is where John Gillespie & Thomas Mace first opened their Pottery in 1857 in the town of St Johns .

This is also the same property on which J. T.  Hazen paid the taxes in 1865 and 1868 and then purchased it in 1869.

 In the articles on  John Gillespie and Joseph Theophile Hazen it has been shown , the stoneware made for the merchant Joseph T. Hazen and marked  "J T Hazen , St Johns " were not made by John Gillespie .

The timeline of when J. Gillespie was potting and the financial connection between J. T. Hazen and George W. and George H. Farrar establishes the stoneware  was made at the Farrar's pottery.

After John Gillespie closed his pottery this property was not used for the manufacturing of stoneware.

The following information traces the ownership of this property the west half of lot # 274 ( later called # 531 )


  On April 14, 1845 , William Nicol sold this property to Daniel Mandigo. ( L # 185 ).

It is described as such " a lot of land or emplacement situate in the said town of St Johns in the Baronnie of Longueuil in the said district , containing  seventy - two feet front in width   by seventy - two feet long in depth , bounded in front by Partition street , in depth by Thomas L Dixon , on one side to the east by Joseph Macon and on the other side to the west by John Street ( and not Longueuil street as mentioned in the deed hereafter mentioned )," together with two wooden houses , shed and other buildings hereon erected " . ( L # 249 )

Daniel Mandigo was at one time a partner of Henry Gillespie in the firm Mandigo & Gillespie - Contractors .

 In the Canada Gazette  on February 6, 1855  , Robert Scott , a Merchant from Montreal , was owed money by Mandigo & Gillespie and the property owned by D. Mandigo was to be put up for public auction in payment.

 However , the debt must have been paid as  Daniel Mandigo  still owned the property a few years later when it once again was put up for public auction.  

On September 26, 1856 , the Canada Gazette states Mary Dunn wife of the late William Nicols ( the original owner of the lot )  is still owed 14 pounds 7 shillings and 8 pence from Daniel Mandigo and so the property will be sold by Sheriff's sale

on February 5, 1857.

It was sold on this date to Edward  and Duncan MacDonald ( E & D MacDonald -Merchants and Bankers in St Johns ).

Five weeks later on March 14, 1857 they sold this property to John Gillespie - Potter and Thomas Mace - Saddler . ( L # 249 )

A year later on February 9, 1858 ( # 4124 ) , Gillespie & Mace dissolve their partnership and John Gillespie becomes the sole owner  of the property.

 It is now described as having " a dwelling house , Pottery ,and other buildings ". It would seem they turned one of the wooden buildings mentioned in the Sheriff sale into a Pottery.

Two years later on February 29, 1860 ( # 4968 ), E & D MacDonald reacquired the property in retrocession from John Gillespie. In this notary record  " together with two wooden houses , shed and other buildings hereon erected  and including also all other buildings and improvements they the said John Gillespie and Thomas Mace may have made. "   

E & D MacDonald now owned this property again and until it was sold  to Joseph T. Hazen on April 10, 1869


From 1860 until 1869 , it is unclear how  this property was used by the MacDonalds .

They owned many properties which they would acquire  from Sheriff sales and unpaid mortgages.

There are no leases or other notary records or land records in connection with this property.

 We know John Gillespie no longer owned or operated the pottery . He was listed as a potter in the 1861 Census for St Johns but most likely worked for G. W.  Farrar who had  been given back the ownership of his pottery in 1860 ( see articles The Farrar Pottery 1854-1876 and Orrin L Ballard ). We also know J T Hazen was a merchant and not a potter.

 It was stated by Helen H. Lambert in her book Two Centuries of Ceramics in the Richelieu Valley ( pg 5 ) , J. T. Hazen paid the taxes on this property in 1865 and 1868 before he owned it.

 We wrote to the Ville de Saint Jean -sur - le Richelieu to see these records as well as the years previous for ourselves.

 They did not have any records before 1936 and suggested the BANQ. We were told by them there had been a fire and the records were destroyed.

We can only assume since J. T.  Hazen moved to a new store in 1865 perhaps he had a gentlemens agreement with E & D MacDonald and he and his family lived on this property and not in the store on Front street or perhaps he was paying the taxes for a client .

The most likely reason was J. T. Hazen was using the property for storage of surplus merchandise.

J. T. Hazen did not own any other property in St Johns until  1869 when he bought  this property.

He was also was leaving St Johns at this  time. He gave up his store as of May 1 1869 and moved to Montreal .

There he was part of the firm DeBeaufort & Hazen - Merchants for Wines and Liquors. The property may have been to store his wares as his family were living with him in Montreal. ( Census 1871 ).

 A few years later , he sold this lot of land back to E & D Macdonald on April 23, 1872. ( N # 5216 )

 Six years later on May 15 1878 , E & D MacDonald dissolved their partnership and  this property became the sole ownership of Duncan MacDonald. ( N # 10708 )

The following map is from the 1880 Atlas of St Johns. The red dot is lot # 531 previously called west half of lot # 274.


map atlas 1880.jpg

It can be noted that the MacDonald  brothers owned the St Johns Stone & ChinaWare Company which was on property south of St Georges Lot # 533 ( opposite side of the Street ) in the early years and in this same block lot # 524 in 1880.

Duncan MacDonald had acquired lot 533 , 532 and 531 in the dissolution of partnership. ( 1877 )


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